Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Suit up!

So, its a little over a week in to september now and almost all other projects are clear for now. So I think it's time to have another crack at an 11 Sec club entry! YAAAY. One of the main buzz kills of going into the competition is a bad audio choice. I know it needs to vary and it won't always be what I define as awesome but it pretty much defines how I go into the project from the out set. Anyway this months is pretty cool, fairly sure its a clip from the latest Bond movie and is taken from a scene involving 007 and Q. The clip is a minor intellectual verbal confrontation and has already given me a few ideas about how to go about it.
So heres a still of my first basic scene layout. The clip mentions a laptop, so the obvious props are there, this also means a lot of entrants will most likely be basing their work around a similar setting as this. I think I'll work on my originality next entry though. This time round I wanted at least one improvement, so I've opted for throwing out the leotard look of the morpheus rig and gone for a suit and tie look! curtesy of the guys over at Thanks guys! these costumes will come in handy! Unfortunately the costumes didnt come with a guide on how to attach them, though I have managed it after 20 mins of fiddling with the explorer and a further 10 finding out the translated terminology from one software to another Enveloping = Skinning etc... I do miss XSI. So i've had a play about and the only minor hicup is the deformations of the clothing are a little out under the arms. Would be easily fixable in my mother software, but hey-ho its Maya so I best get cracking swatting up on altering the weights before I can move on. Work hard people! Felty

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