Jobs as they say jobs are like buses, wait for one for forever and then two saunter along cheekily begging the question, which one do I take? Well for me it was a no brainer, after my last journey through a circle of hell known as Primark I was left once more without employment and therefore money to live and learn.
So, march rears its head and I find myself trying for any job going whilst trying to squeeze in an opp to have my tonsils out, great timing I know. But sure enough I landed an interview at Pets @ Home, "sounds like fun" I thought! and despite a great interview I wasn't chosen. After sulking for a day or two I was offered another interview for a separate branch. You may think that having been to one previously I would have the upper hand! But then this time, I was going in post opp, heavily dosed on strong pain medication and having trouble standing, talking and all that usual basic stuff. But Victory was at hand! If ozzy Osbourne was a muppet, a very hyper active muppet, then you get an idea of how I came across in that interview, but still I must have done something right!
So finances once again stabilised I had one less worry on my mind. Enter Paraboxy! My university friends having got their office space finally, offered me a space for learning, the one request being that I learn rigging...fair enough here goes nothing!